Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lyla, 3yo Portraits.

Little miss Lyla is now three! It's crazy, because I've been taking her portraits since she was only 18 months old. I can't believe how much she's grown up in the time I've gotten to know her and her parents, and I am so glad that I'm the lucky girl that gets to photograph her adorable face. :) Here are some of my absolute favorites from her session:

If you like Lyla's images and you want to book a session of your own, email me at or send me a message at

Have a lovely day!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Shamblin Family.

Hello, lovelies! This post is all about the Shamblins: Jeremy, Kyla, and Lyla. I've had posts with Kyla and Lyla before ([here], [here], and [here]), but this is Jeremy's first appearance on the blog and in my photos! We had a quick shoot for the family, and I'll be sharing photos of just Lyla in a later post, because this little miss is now three! Here are some of my favorites from their session:

I love this sweet family! If you'd like to book a session of your own for photos similar to the Shamblin's, feel free to email me at or send me a private message on my [facebook page]!